Why We Created WUKA Cycle Care Gummies

Why we Created WUKA Cycle Care Gummies

We have exciting news! And if you follow us on socials, you might already know what we’re about to announce - but let’s have a drumroll anyway… introducing brand new WUKA Cycle Care Vitamin Gummies!

We are so bloody proud to bring this launch to you - and with International Women’s Day just around the corner, the timing really couldn’t be better. So without further ado, here’s everything you need to know about the hottest new launch here at WUKA, and we we created our brand new range!

WUKA cares - listening to our customers

From the moment we produced our very first pair of reusable period pants, WUKA has been a brand dedicated to helping women and girls navigate through the various life stages we face. We’ve always believed in solutions that are not only science-backed, but also rooted in the experiences of our community. We care. We listen.

And when we read the results of our 2023 Annual Customer Survey, we know it was time to act.

65% of you told us that you experience heavy periods. We already knew this - it’s why we created our Super Heavy period pants, and why our Stretch™ for Super Heavy Flow literally flew off the shelves when it launched last year. 

We know that heavy bleeding is the reality many of you. 75% of you also told us you grapple with period pain too, and 86% of you are concerned with fatigue and tiredness. Yet despite these staggeringly high percentages, only 20% of you told us you use period pain patches or supplements. 

This led us to ask, why is there such a gap between the struggles people face and the solutions they’re using?

The hidden health crisis women face

It’s not just a period. It’s not just heavy bleeding, cramps and bloating. Let’s break it down.

Why we Created WUKA Cycle Care Gummies
  • Heavy periods can lead to iron deficiency, a condition that studies show affects 1 million women in the UK and results in approximately 57,000 emergency hospital admissions annually (source). The symptoms of low iron, including extreme fatigue, dizziness, and overall weakness, are commonly accepted as normal menstruation symptoms. But they really don’t have to be.
  • Similarly, 1 in 6 adults in the UK have low vitamin D levels (source), affecting immune function, bone health, and overall well-being. Additionally, 40% of women experience PMS symptoms (source), with 5–8% suffering from severe forms like Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD). Yet despite these figures, only around 20% of women suffering with PMS symptoms will seek medical help. This suggests it’s a huge underreported and untreated problem.

For far too long, menstrual health has been neglected. Women have bee told to simply ‘put up with it.’ But at WUKA, we refuse to accept that narrative. We spent two years working with women’s health experts to develop a range of high-quality, accessible, and effective nutritional solutions that truly support women’s health. Because it’s time to end this hidden health crisis. It’s time to listen to women.

Our CEO, Ruby, sums it all up perfectly:

“Having supported over 1 million customers with WUKA leakproof apparel, we know that leaks and odours are just one part of the menstrual health puzzle. Women’s health has long been neglected, with symptoms of menstruation often dismissed or overlooked. WUKA Cycle Care was developed in direct response to the voices of thousands of women and girls who are desperate for real, science-backed solutions.

Launching this range in time for International Women’s Day is a statement—a reminder that every woman deserves to be seen, heard, and supported in her health journey.”

How WUKA Cycle Care supports women’s health

Why we Created WUKA Cycle Care Gummies

Our Cycle Care gummies are specifically formulated with high-quality, vegan-friendly ingredients to target the most common menstrual health concerns. We are so excited about this, and we cannot wait to hear what you think!

WUKA Cycle Care Iron Gummies: with Iron & Vitamin C

Heavy periods? We’ve got you. And yes, we know there are so many different types of iron supplements out there - so here’s what you need to know about ours.

New WUKA Cycle Care Iron Gummies are packed with ingredients to help reduce tiredness and fatigue, while supporting red blood cell formation. We added Vitamin C to enhance iron absorption, ensuring maximum effectiveness. 

They’re gluten-free, non GMO and free from artificial flavours and additives.

  • Teen Formula: Iron 11mg, Vitamin C 40mg
  • Adult Formula: Iron 14mg, Vitamin C 90mg
  • Natural raspberry flavour, gentle on the stomach
  • RRP: £19.99 (1-month supply)

Read more about the benefits of iron supplements here.

Why we Created WUKA Cycle Care Gummies

WUKA Cycle Care Immune Support Gummies: with Vitamin D3 and K2

Vitamin D deficiencies are so common in the UK - and low Vitamin D can bring a whole host of unpleasant symptoms with it too. Many of us can’t get enough from sunlight alone, so taking a Vitamin D supplement is an excellent way to ensure we get enough of this vital vitamin. But where to start? Right here.

New WUKA Cycle Care Vitamin D2 and K3 gummies support immune function, bone health, and normal blood clotting. Again, they plant-based, gluten-free, non GMO and free from artificial additives and flavours.

  • Teen Formula: 25mcg (1000IU) of Vitamin D3 and 50mcg of Vitamin K2
  • Adult Formula: 50mcg (2000IU) of Vitamin D3 and 100mcg of Vitamin K2
  • Natural orange flavour
  • RRP: £19.99 (2-month supply)

Read more about the benefits of Vitamin D supplements here. 

WUKA Cycle Care PMS Support Gummies

Why we Created WUKA Cycle Care Gummies

PMS symptoms can occur up to two weeks before your period - and let’s face it, they can leave you feeling pretty miserable. We know that many of you suffer with bloating, headaches, cramps and more - and that’s why we created new WUKA Cycle Care PMS Support Gummies. 

With a powerful blend of Magnesium, Vitamin B6, Vitamin E, Chaste Tree Berry, plus Ginger Root Extract to support hormonal balance and alleviate cramps, bloating, and mood swings, these delicious little gummies are your new BFF. And you probably already guessed it, but these gummies are also vegan friendly, gluten-free and non GMO, with absolutely no artificial flavours or additives.

  • Teen Formula: 30mg Magnesium, 15mg Vitamin B6, 20mg Vitamin E, 25mg Chaste Tree Berry Extract, 30mg Ginger Root Extract
  • Adult Formula: 30mg Magnesium, 20mg Vitamin B6, 30mg Vitamin E, 40mg Chaste Tree Berry Extract, 50mg Ginger Root Extract
  • Organic strawberry flavour
  • RRP: £24.99 (1-month supply)

The bottom line on new WUKA Cycle Care Vitamin Gummies

We’re beyond excited to introduce WUKA Cycle Care Vitamin Gummies, and we hope you are too! 

Designed to seamlessly fit into your daily routine alongside a balanced diet, this new range is all about empowering you to feel your best - every day of the month. 

With science-backed formulations tailored for different life stages, our gummies provide essential nutrients without unnecessary additives - just clean, effective ingredients. 

The easy-to-take gummy format ensures better absorption and effortless daily use, while our commitment to sustainability means each product comes in plastic-free, resealable, and fully recyclable packaging.

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