Iron for Women: Navigating Supplements for Optimal Health

Iron for women

If you’ve ever woken up feeling completely wiped out, even after a full night's sleep, listen up. That persistent fatigue? It might not just be your busy schedule - it could be your body calling out for more iron. For women especially, maintaining healthy iron levels can be tricky business. WUKA experts discuss why iron matters for women, and how to boost low iron for optimal health.

In this article we’ll look at:

Why women need iron

The link between heavy periods and low iron

Iron supplements to help boost iron 

Why women need iron

We’ll get straight to the point. Anyone with a period will lose blood regularly, and if your flow is heavy you’ll lose even more than most. And if you’re losing blood, you’re losing iron, putting you at risk of iron deficiency

Periods are normal, but the reality is that they can put us at higher risk for iron deficiency compared to those without a menstrual cycle. And when you add pregnancy, breastfeeding, or heavy periods (including during perimenopause) to the mix, maintain healthy iron levels becomes even more crucial.

The chances are high that many of us are walking around with low iron levels without even realising. Symptoms such as tiredness, pale skin, headaches, and feeling cold all the time often get brushed off as ‘just life’, or symptoms of PMS. But these could actually be signs that your body needs more iron.

Read about the signs and symptoms of low iron, and what causes low iron to find out more. 

Iron for women

Heavy periods and low iron

Heavy periods can be hard work - but how do you know if your blood loss is heavy, or if everything is ‘normal’?

Basically, if you're changing protection every hour or two, passing large clots, or bleeding for more than seven days, you're dealing with heavy menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia).

Heavy periods can significantly drain your iron stores. Research shows that women with heavy menstrual bleeding are at substantially higher risk for iron deficiency anaemia, and there can be more than one reason why your period is so heavy:

If you think your period is unusually heavy, make an appointment to see your GP to figure out the  underlying cause. Your doctor can recommend treatments, and might also recommend iron supplements if appropriate.

Iron supplements for low iron

Although your iron levels could be low due to heavy periods, the only way to know for sure is to ask your GP for a blood test. That said, you could still suffer with the symptoms of iron deficiency even if your blood test results don’t show it.

Iron for women

 Studies like  this  one  show the importance of listening to patient descriptions of symptoms, so keeping a diary might help when you discuss this with your doctor.

So, are iron supplements right for you?

There are three stages of iron deficiency: low, moderate and severe. A severe deficiency can lead to anaemia. You don’t need to be anaemic to benefit from iron supplements; if your iron levels are on the low to moderate side of deficient, an iron supplement could help give them a boost. 

There are different types of iron supplements to choose from:

  • Tablets or capsules: usually containing either ferrous or ferric iron compounds which are more easily absorbed by your body.

  • Liquid iron: available a syrups, drops or tonics; often strong tasting but a little easier on digestion compared to tablets. 

  • Iron gummies: a more modern way to take a supplements, gummies are generally more gentle on the tummy and easier to take than tablets. They tend to taste a lot nicer than the liquids too!

  • Iron injections: only perceived by a doctor, for those with a severe iron deficiency.

Find out more about the types of iron supplements available, and discus your options with your doctor or pharmacist. 

WUKA Cycle Care Iron Gummies with Vitamin C

Our 2023 customer survey results were clear. 65% of you told us you suffered with heavy periods, and 86% reported tiredness and fatigue too… yet only 20% took supplements to combat this. 

Iron for women

Enter new WUKA Cycle Care Iron Gummies (with added Vitamin C for maximum absorption!).

We know that heavy periods can lead to excessive iron loss month after month. We know that women are more at risk of developing iron deficiencies and even anaemia. And we know that much of the time, we tend to simply put up with all the signs and symptoms - rather than living our best lives, to our best potential.

Our iron gummies are a direct response to what YOU told us you need. Here’s what you need t0 know:

  • One gummy contains 14mg iron and 40mg Vitamin C

  • They’re plant based, gluten-free, non GMO and free from artificial flavourings and additives

  • They’re delicious! Flavoured with natural organic raspberry

  • They’re a fantastic alternative to traditional tablets and liquids

  • They’re gentle on digestion, with fewer side effects overall

  • They’re easy and convenient to take

  • They’re a great way to boost low iron levels, alongside a healthy and balanced diet

The bottom line on iron for women

We need to see changes in women’s healthcare, and we need to start speaking up about the fact that menstruation can impact our wellbeing. Heavy periods are normal for many, and dealing with the effects of that should be normalised.

Regular blood loss can lead to low iron, and iron supplements are a great way to boost your levels back up for optimal health. Speak to your GP about your symptoms and discus the best treatment plan for you.

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