Five Reasons to Choose Period Pants Over Disposables

1. Period pants are eco-friendly and sustainable
Do you know how much your period truly costs when you use disposables? And we’re not talking financially (more on that next!). The average person in the UK will use around 11,000 disposable pads or tampons in their lifetime, which contributes towards an estimated 200,000 tonnes of menstrual waster every single year*. Every year!
And given that most pads contain up to 90% plastic, that’s a lot of landfill. Not to mention the 2.5 million tampons that are flushed down the loo every day… yikes. That’s a whole lot of damage your period could be doing to the planet.
In contrast, period pants are reusable - so they drastically reduce the amount of waste that’s sent to landfill, or gushing into our oceans. When you choose period pants, you choose to cut plastic pollution. Period.
Period pants are more cost-effective in the long run
Sure, a box of tampons is cheaper than a pair of period pants. But when that box runs empty, you’ll need to dig into your wallet again - unlike with period pants, which you can wash and reuse for up to two years. So while the initial upfront cost of period pants might seem off-putting, you can actually save money when you make the switch. Let’s do the maths…
The average period costs around £10 per cycle for someone using disposable period products. That’s £120 per year, and around £4.800 over a lifetime.
But what if you switched to reusable period pants instead?
One pair of WUKA Basics costs £11.99, and will last for two years. Based on five pairs per cycle, the cost for one period is £59.95 - but remember, this is a one-off payment every two years (or more). So over a lifetime, the total cost of a period using period pants is around £1,199. That’s £3,601 cheaper!
Period pants are WAY more comfy - and convenient too
Let’s face it, disposable pads can be bulky and irritating - and they have a tendency to move around too. Tampons can also feel really awkward too - there’s nothing more uncomfortable than a poorly inserted tampon!
Comfort is key, especially when you’re on your period - and this was the main focus when we designed our best selling Stretch™ period pants! Not only are they the world’s first multi-size period pant (eliminating the guess work and providing a perfect fit every single time, whether you’re bloated or going through a growth spurt!), but our innovative Stretch™ technology ensures a buttery-soft second-skin fit too.
Each pair of WUKA Stretch™ period pants adjusts up to 4 sizes, moving with you and not against you. True comfort, no VPL and ultimate protection. Win win!
Period pants are safe and inclusive
Ok, here are three reasons why our reusable period pants are safer and more inclusive than disposables:
- WUKA Stretch™ and Flex™ collections, are SUPER inclusive. The Flex detachable period pants feature a detachable strap, making them ideal for anyone with limited mobility, or a great choice for if you’re out and about and managing your period in a small space. And in our Stretch
™ collection, The Teen Stretch™ period pants start from age 8 ( so we can be there for the very first period), and go all the way up to age 16, before moving on to adult sizes XS, all the way up to 6XL. The Teen Stretch ™ are also multi-size, so stretch up to 3 sizes in one pair - great for back to school essentials, as they cater for growth spurts and bloating like a pro. - WUKA period pants are 100% free from any PFAs and we never use antibacterial spray or silver treatments on any of our products either - so all our pants are safe for your health, the planet and the ocean. We carry out independent testing too.
- Period pants can be worn like normal underwear. No need to hide crinkly wrappers away, or rummage about in your bag for a lone tampon - wear, bleed, wash, repeat. Simple.
In contrast, some disposable pads can be really bulky and over-sized for younger girls and many aren’t comfortable with using tampons either.
Period pants are empowering!
Choosing to use period pants can be an empowering decision, one that promotes body positivity and menstrual awareness, and one that encourages a more natural approach to menstruation - helping you feel more in tune with your body, without needing to rely on disposable products that are harmful to our planet.
The comfort and reliability of period pants can help to normalise periods, making menstruation feel less like a monthly burden and more like a manageable, normal part of life. So what are you waiting for? If you haven’t made the switch yet, this is surely your sign to do it now!
* source
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